Resources for Personal Bible Study

Posted on January 29th, 2025 By

Below are some resources for personal Bible study that Fr. Michael talked about in his Homily on Sunday, January 26, 2025:

1) Fr. Mike Schmitz – Bible in a year podcast (free resource)
2) New Testament Commentary – Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture book series (Individual books for each book of the New Testament sold separately)
3) Old and New Testament Commentary – The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible
4) Old and New Testament Commentary – The Navarre Study Bible (Individual books for the Old and New Testament sold separately); A free version of this commentary for most daily Mass readings and Sunday Mass readings can be accessed at this website (We are in Year 1 of the daily Mass reading cycle and Year C of the Sunday Mass reading cycle).
5) Video Commentary for Sunday Mass Readings and Holy Days of Obligation by Catholic Bible Scholar Brant Pitre can be accessed with a monthly subscription to