St. Andrew the Apostle Church and School
Hurricane Disaster Plan
Under the Direction of: Father John Talamo, Pastor, St. Andrew the Apostle
- Financial and parish data will be backed up and placed on a secure off-site server.
- Sacramental records secured by the Pastor.
- Church staff will review a master list of employees & contact information; a phone tree has been devised.
- Staff has developed networks with services that may be needed post storm.
- Generators: other equipment purchased.
- Necessary supplies secured – plywood protection for stained glass windows at church.
- Digital photos have been created for all valuables, offices have been videoed, church vestments, and the rectory as well.
- Bobcat secured on campus.
- Excess gasoline safely secured.
Immediately Prior
- Records, artifacts will be gathered by staff and taken off site.
- Buildings will be secured according to established criteria.
- All electrical equipment will be disconnected and secured as possible.
- Pastor will coordinate with Orleans parish officials and church officials.
- Pastor will secure the Eucharist.
- Pastor will provide updates to the website as feasible.
- Pastor will coordinate with Orleans parish.
- Damage accessed and preliminary remediation plans made as per previously established criteria.
- Updates posted on web site and at church (as feasible).
- Chain of command implemented: phone tree utilized to contact SAS Parish leadership.
- Repair, debris removal begins immediately.
- Headquarters established – rectory.
- Radio and television stations notified with updates.
- Archdiocesan web site utilized as needed.
- School Reach with information on the school.
- Emergency cards updated for both school staff & students.
- All school student data and vital school information backed up.
- Emergency plan disseminated to all students: families will be asked to keep the plan in a prominent location; updates will be provided at regularly scheduled intervals (such as prior to semester break, at the beginning, and at the ending of the school year).
- Principal will provide in-service training to faculty and families regarding emergency procedures.
- Laptop computers will be secured for staff and faculty to use in the event of evacuation.
- Principal, Curriculum Coordinator, and Dean of Student Formation will familiarize themselves with out of state web server.
- Staff notified to contact school officials within 72 hours after hurricane.
- School will maintain a link with Emergency Management authorities.
- Payroll issues addressed.
- Resources identified to install temporary classrooms/buildings if needed.
Immediately Prior
- School will follow emergency procedures of Archdiocese of New Orleans Schools regarding school closures and cancellations of classes.
- School will notify parents and staff via School Reach and on the website
- School personnel will prepare classrooms and school by packing or storing items, unplugging all electrical items, and raising computers.
- School administration will secure copies of student data and school information.
- School buildings will be secured.
- School administration will provide updates as soon as possible through School Reach and on the website
- School faculty and staff will contact administration within 72 hours.
- Updates will be available through a link on the Parish and School website as well as a call from School Reach.
- Updates may also be available through Archdiocese web site.
- Notices will also be posted if possible at the church entrance.
- School & church leadership will meet to access damage and implement priorities.
Finally, what is most important to you as a Parishioner or Parent?
- Your parish is prepared, records are secured.
- For information after a hurricane, check the website (,, or and contacted by School Reach.
- The Eucharist will be protected and masses and the sacraments will be reinstated as soon as possible for any emergency.
- Resumption of school will be priority.
- Most importantly, St. Andrew the Apostle needs YOU to assist in securing the facilities prior to the storm and to clean up after the storm.
Buildings – St. Andrew the Apostle
Plan: To establish a Communication Center in the parish and re-open the School as soon as possible. (Rectory)
Prior To Event
- Have school personnel prepare classrooms and school by packing or storing items up high.
- Unplug electrical items and cover.
- Contact companies for alert to needing their services in the event of a storm. (Tree services?)
- Purchase plywood as needed, obtain sand bags if needed, take down banners, secure site. (Maintenance)
- Look into purchase of gas generator for Rectory to be command central.
- Temporary trailers or classroom units. Cost.
Immediately Prior To Event
- Secure whatever is possible to buildings. Concentrate on Church, School buildings, Rectory, Activity Center, and Tower. Remove all records in the office, church. Disconnect electrical in all buildings and raise equipment in cafeteria, classrooms, and in offices. School should have their property secured by the end of June.
- Secure school buildings.
Immediately After Event
- Concentrate on damage to Church, School, Activity Center, and Tower.
- Assess damage to entire campus and begin major repair on the buildings that are a priority. Major expense items on some buildings should be questioned if not on priority list.
- Need chain of authority to implement repair and replacements.