Knights of Columbus #9107 Leadership Award – All CYLA applications are due Saturday, January 25, 2024

St. Andrew the Apostle Knights of Columbus Council #9107 invites all Catholic High School Seniors to enter to win a Catholic Youth Leadership Award (CYLA).

If you are a Catholic High School Senior Student and would like to enter for a chance to win the Knights of Columbus Leadership Award please complete an online CYLA application, and the application must be sponsored by the local Knights of Columbus Council. The local Council selects one boy and girl as their Council CYLA winners. The Local Council boy and girl winners are then sent to the Diocesan Administrators to compete on a Diocesan Level. Each Diocesan boy and girl winner is provided a chance to participate in the State CYLA Finals. Each St. Andrew the Apostle Knights of Columbus 9107 winner will receive $250. If one of the St. Andrew the Apostle winners were to win the Diocesan Award they would receive a $1,000 check. The Diocesan winners go to state and can possibly win at a State Award:

1st Place Winner will receive a $5,000 Check, Plaque, and a chance to be honored at KC State Convention
2nd Place Winners will receive a $3,000 Check
3rd Place Winners will receive a $2,000 Check

Go to the Knights of Columbus La. State Website: If you have any questions, please contact the State CYLA Chairman: Delmas Forbes 225-939-2980. The deadline to submit CYLA applications is January 25, 2024. Check our website, under Knights of Columbus for more information.

CYLA brochure 1.25.25

CYLA Step By Step Process

CYLA filling-out-app

Knights of Columbus Council 9107

The St. Andrew the Apostle Knights of Columbus fish fries provide the opportunity to serve you, but also use the proceeds to provide support to many worthy causes. The Knights of Columbus serves the parish in many ways:

* Quarterly supplies provided to the Access Pregnancy Center and their Pro-Life Campaign

* Monthly Stipends paid to Local Seminarians within the Archdiocese

* Thanksgiving and Christmas turkeys provided to the Our Lady of Wisdom

* Keep Christ in Christmas Campaign – City Billboard and car magnets distributed to our parishioners

* Easter Season – Christ is Risen car magnets and Road to Emmaus CD distributed to our parishioners

* Funding towards St. Andrew School/Youth Group – March for Life in Washington D.C.

* Annual funding towards the St. Andrew Youth Group member’s attendance at the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC)

* Sponsorship of the Men’s Morning of Spiritual Reflection hosted at our Parish

* Purchase of the St. Andrew Parish Calendars distributed annually to our parishioners

* Annual support of the Archdiocese Vocations Program – Calling all 5th graders – Day of Reflection

* Annual Flag Retirement Ceremony hosted at our Council

* Assist the school cafeteria staff with frying fish for students and parent visitors during the Lenten Season

* Annual support of the “Superfest”

* Support other parish ministries in many ways, such as:

Ladies Guild Spaghetti Dinner

Altar Server Annual Appreciation Party

Christmas Caroling and Santa Visit

Annual Youth Dodge-ball tournament

St. Andrew the Apostle Boy Scouts Troop 64

* Over 1000 additional community service hours provided to various projects.


Knights of Columbus meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month in McGivney Hall. If you are interested in joining the Knights of Columbus, please contact the parish office at 504-393-2334, and Corey Wax will return your call.