United Churches of Algiers

United Churches of Algiers Food Bank

Our mission is to assist the people in the greater Algiers community who need help in obtaining enough food.

The Food Bank is supported by the generous donations from the churches and other organizations in the Algiers area. St. Andrew the Apostle Church Parish is one of the major supporters of this worthy cause.

The operation of the Food Bank is dependent upon volunteers from the various churches and organizations, and the community. Ideally, this operation runs very smoothly with two volunteers, male or female, per day.

Function of volunteers:

  1. Prepare “food baskets” for needy clients processed by the director.
  2. Keep food pantry shelves stocked, storing the donations brought in daily.
  3. Pick up food donations from churches or organizations as required.
  4. Try to recruit other volunteers.
  5. Assist director in processing clients or performing other office assignments as requested.
  6. Volunteers work 9:00 am to 12 noon Mon.-Fri.

The Board of Directors of the United Churches of Algiers is made up of members from each participating
organization, and meets on the 2nd Monday in January and the 3rd Monday in February through December. All volunteers are welcome to attend. This monthly meeting is held at St. Phillip Episcopal Church at 5pm.

We welcome all volunteers for as much or as little as you are able to help and will work you into our schedule.